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It provides a modular set of analyses which you can use to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis. A copy of the FastQC documentation is available for you to try before you buy well download.. FastQC has a really well documented manual page with more details about all the plots in the report.

We recommend looking at this post for more information on what bad plots look like and what they mean for your data. We also have a slidedeck of error profiles for Illumina sequencing, where we discuss specific FASTQC plots and possible sources of these types of errors. This table aids in identifying contamination, such as vector or adapter sequences.

We will go over the remaining plots in class. We encourage you to look at the full set of reads and note how the QC results differ when using the entire dataset. If we try to unzip them all at once:. No, because unzip expects to get only one zip file. Welcome to the real world. We could do each file, one by one, but what if we have files? There is a smarter way. Note that in the first line, we create a variable named zip.

The contents of each file will be unpacked into a separate directory by the unzip program. All reports will show data for every base in the read. WARNING: Using this option will cause fastqc to crash and burn if you use it on really long reads, and your plots may end up a ridiculous size. You have been warned! Each thread will be allocated MB of memory so you shouldn’t run more threads than your available memory will cope with, and not more than 6 threads on a 32 bit machine -c Specifies a non-default file which contains the list of –contaminants contaminants to screen overrepresented sequences against.

The file must contain sets of named contaminants in the form name[tab]sequence. The line 4 has characters encoding the quality of each nucleotide in the read. The legend below provides the mapping of quality scores Phred to the quality encoding characters. Different quality encoding scales exist differing by offset in the ASCII table , but note the most commonly used one is fastqsanger, which is the scale output by Illumina since mid Using the quality encoding character legend, the first nucelotide in the read C is called with a quality score of 31 corresponding to encoding character , and our Ns are called with a score of 2 corresponding to encoding character.

As you can tell by now, this is a bad read. Each quality score represents the probability that the corresponding nucleotide call is incorrect. This quality score is logarithmically based and is calculated as:.

These probabaility values are the results from the base calling algorithm and dependent on how much signal was captured for the base incorporation. The score values can be interpreted as follows:.



Fastqc manual


If no files to process are specified on the command line then the program will start as an interactive graphical application. If files are provided on the command line then the program will run with no user interaction required. In this mode it is suitable for inclusion into a standardised analysis pipeline. The options for the program as as follows: -h –help Print this help file and exit -v –version Print the version of the program and exit -o –outdir Create all output files in the specified output directory.

Please note that this directory must exist as the program will not create it. If this option is not set then the output file for each sequence file is created in the same directory as the sequence file which was processed.

Files in the same sample group differing only by the group number will be analysed as a set rather than individually. Sequences with the filter flag set in the header will be excluded from the analysis. Files must have the same names given to them by casava including being gzipped and ending with. By default this option will be set if fastqc is run in non-interactive mode. This quality score is logarithmically based and is calculated as:.

These probabaility values are the results from the base calling algorithm and dependent on how much signal was captured for the base incorporation. The score values can be interpreted as follows:. Therefore, for the first nucleotide in the read C , there is less than a 1 in chance that the base was called incorrectly.

Now that we understand what information is stored in a FASTQ file, the next step is to examine quality metrics for our data. FastQC provides a simple way to do some quality checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It provides a modular set of analyses, which you can use to obtain an impression of whether your data has any problems that you should be aware of before moving on to the next analysis.

Please run the following srun command if you are not on a compute node. Before we start using software, we have to load the module for each tool.

To run the FastQC program, we first need to load the appropriate module, so it puts the program into our path. To find the FastQC module to load we need to search the versions available:.

Once a module for a tool is loaded, you have essentially made it directly available to you like any other basic shell command. We will need to specify this directory in the command to run FastQC. How do we know which argument to use? NOTE: From the help manual, we know that -o or –outdir will create all output files in the specified output directory. Note that another argument, -t , specifies the number of files which can be processed simultaneously.

We will use -t argument later. You may explore other arguments as well based on your needs.
